Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Is my day on the Geared for Guys Remix Book Tour promoting Emily Herrick's book. I'm very excited to be a part of this group--12 different bloggers, each remaking one of Emily's quilts in less "guy-ish" fabric selections.
Last night I bound my quilt, and today I did the photoshoot (thank you, rain, for stopping!). My "assistant" wanted to make sure I had a photo of the back of the quilt. Check back tomorrow for more photos! And yes, that little bundle of red-haired cuteness belongs to me!

And if you can't wait until tomorrow, the blog hop started at Crazy Old Ladies on Saturday and is continuing on at Pink Suede Shoe today.
See you all tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Finally having time to do some blog hopping. Good to "see" you. Your little guy is so cute! I'm excited for your Geared for Guys post!!!
